“10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” Ephesians 6:10-20

The following is an overview of the program The Awakening (TA) ministry uses in order to stop UFO, alien abduction, and all other paranormal activity. Each concept usually includes a couple of sessions. As of date there has been no solid evidence that physical entities are taking people on board a spaceship. We acknowledge the experience abductees have are very real experiences, but don’t believe aliens are traveling to earth to experiment on humans. The majority of UFO sightings can be explained by natural occurrences but this doesn’t mean the enemy can’t even use such circumstances to deceive. The nature of UFOs and reported alien abduction has led many researches to now conclude that these events are interdimensional, in other words, from another realm. The Bible reveals to us that there is a spiritual realm. Angels, fallen angels, demons, and spirits all make up this realm. We also acknowledge that the experiences may be experiencing something physical as many times angels appeared in physical form in the Bible. Just because something is spiritual doesn’t mean it can’t have a physical aspect to it. Consider Jesus in his resurrected form when he appeared to the original apostles. It is our conviction that the nature of UFO’s and alien abductions comes from the demonic realm of Satan and his fallen angels. That the goal of these experiences is to lead the experiencer away from the God of the Bible. The apostle Paul wrote above to the Ephesus church while under house arrest probably looking at a Roman soldier the solution to fighting the demonic realm. He parallels the Roman soldier’s gear with spiritual armor we must put on in order to overcome these tormenting experiences. The following is a summary of the topics covered through our biblical counseling with experiencers:

Session 1: Know the True Enemy

In order to defeat any foe, you must know who the foe is and his tactics. The scripture is clear that our enemy is not flesh and blood (humans, government agencies, greys, reptilians, animals, etc.). Our enemy is the devil and his fallen angels, and the devil has schemes. Fallen angels are rulers in heavenly places. The Bible talks about signs in the sky during the last days (Luke 21:25). TA seeks to help the experiencer understand they are in a spiritual battle and though there may be physical elements to it, a spiritual battle can only be won spiritually. Having the right knowledge from the scriptures, history, and professional researches is already half the battle won in overcoming these type of experiences.

Session 2: The Belt of Truth

Satan is called the father of lies (John 8:44). He operates with deception. In Paul’s time, the belt held the entire Roman soldier outfit together, without it you can’t put on the full armor. Truth with oneself before God and truth of the experience is necessary for deliverance from such maladies. The UFO/Alien concept is put in light of the truth of God’s word in this session. Falsehood is exposed as only by being honest about ourselves and the UFO/Alien phenomenon can there be victory. The experiencer through a study of the Bible must come to an acknowledgement of what the UFO/Alien phenomenon truly is, demonic. Through a study of the Bible, they must acknowledge the truth of God’s word. They then must acknowledge their own sins (John 3:19-21). The Bible counselor will seek to draw out the experiencers heart through biblical concepts such as confession and prayer. TA seeks to identify the door that was opened that allowed for the experience to happen. Only through holding to the teachings of Jesus does one find the truth (John 8:31-32).

Session 3: Breastplate of Righteousness

Righteousness is having a right relationship with God. The breastplate protected one of the most vital organs the heart. Biblically, the heart is the seat of emotions and thoughts. This concept sets to strengthen the heart and mind having right spiritual thinking. In order to be on the path to have a right relationship with God, one must repent of their sin and also repent of the experience. Once the experience is identified for what it is, the experiencer can now renounce and take responsibility for their involvement in the occult (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Leviticus 19:31). This can be a painful process as many go through the “stockholm syndrome” where hostages develop relationships with their captors. The experience is to many a good and pleasant one over time. After repentance and trusting Jesus Christ as the savior for their sins, TA teaches on core doctrines of the faith strengthening their armor against the entities (demons). These important Bible doctrines are on: discipleship, baptism, the cross, church, and lordship.

Session 4: Feet Fitted from the Gospel of Peace

In Roman times battles shoes had spikes and nails on them to help the soldiers keep their balance to be vigilant in war. They functioned as cleats of sorts in order for the soldier to keep their footing. Now that the experiencer has found the peace that comes from a relationship with God he must maintain his “footing” spiritually through developing spiritual disciplines. TA guides them in personal devotions, prayer times, and other Bible studies to help them remain on the attack as a soldier of Christ. The scriptures teach that once a demon is driven out, it seeks to come back into a person even bringing more demons along with it. The final condition of the person can end up being worse if one does not have their “feet fitted” for the battle (Matthew 12:43-45).

Session 5: Shield of Faith

The enemy will continue to shoot fiery darts at Christ’s soldiers. It is using the shield of faith that will extinguish these attacks. Faith is the certainty of things unseen and confidence in things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1-2). When Jesus’ disciples tried to drive out a demon at one point, they couldn’t. Jesus revealed the reason was they lacked faith (Matthew 17:14-21). TA seeks to help the experiencer develop spiritual vision for their life. Many have been so entrapped in their experiences that they have no faith in their future. This session helps show God has an incredible plan for their life and goes through a process to see how their talents and gifts can help build God’s kingdom.

Session 6: Helmet of Salvation

This session is a Bible study on the grace of God. The helmet protected the head where all the thinking happens. Paul calls this spiritual armor the “helmet of salvation” as it is remembering that we are saved that protects our thinking. The experiencer is shown how to deal with setbacks, spiritual attacks, and sin by applying grace. TA emphasizes how God’s grace is now the motivating factor in our lives. Divine power is experienced through a knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 1:3). It is this divine power that is necessary to grow in our salvation.

Session 7: Sword of the Spirit

The “sword of the Spirit” is the word of God. The Holy Spirit which is received at baptism (Acts 2:38) is Jesus in us. For many involved in the UFO/Alien Abduction phenomenon or occult, they have experienced a spiritual connection to these entities. The Holy Spirit desires that connection with us. He is how we have a direct connection to God and no longer a counterfeit demonic entity masking as something else. The Bible is called the “sword of the Spirit”, which means we use the Bible to connect with the Spirit. The sword is an offensive and defensive weapon. Jesus was “taken” (abducted of sorts) to the wilderness immediately following his baptism where he was tempted by Satan for 40 days (Mark 1:12-13). Jesus used the scriptures in order to fight off Satan’s lies (Luke 4:1-14). He overcame and was more powerful in the Spirit. Satan tried even using scripture to deceive Jesus into disobeying God. TA exposes the lies about Jesus and the Bible in the UFO community by setting forth the Bible in its plain context. We also encourage those who have been set free from their experiences to share this series with others facing the same challenges. This is the offensive way to use the sword of the Spirit by helping change someone else’s life using TA’s principles.

Session 8: Pray on all Occasions

In conclusion to the armor of God, Paul ends talking about prayer. He admonishes the believers to pray on all occasions. He request prayer for others, prayer for himself, and to pray in the Spirit. TA concludes by praying with the former experiencer for their friends, family, and the UFO community. Prayer is fundamental to this process since it is a connection with God that will keep the spiritual forces of evil far away.

UFO organizations, science, and alien abduction support groups have failed to supply real answers and solutions to experiencers. TA believes the UFO community has continued to use methods that science has proven ineffective and even dangerous to help abductees (ie. hypnosis) and is more engaged in sensationalism than really helping. It is only through God’s word that true answers can be found and freedom experienced. If you are interested in going through our program, please click “Seeking Spiritual Answers” under the menu and fill out the questionnaire.

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